

Jerome Teelucksingh, Ph.D.                               
Founder – International Men’s Day                                 
Chair, International Men’s Day Global Planning Committee                                                

Nigel Phillips – Coordinator
Trinidad and Tobago
Member, International Men’s Day Global Planning Committee

Michael A.T. Stewart
Member, International Men’s Day Global Planning Committee
UNITED STATES                                                         
Diane A. Sears – Coordinator
Member, International Men’s Day Global Planning Committee                                              
Chair, USA 2012-2022 International Men’s Day Ten Year Plan Committee                                       

David Hatfield – Coordinator
Member, Internation Men’s Day Global Planning Committee                                                                  

Uma Kiranam – Coordinator
Member, Internatonal Men’s Day Global Planning Committee

Jorge Vila – Coordinator                                                            \
Member, International Men’s DayGlobal Planning Committee                                                       

Geneuvive Twala - Coordinator
Member, International Men’s Day Global Planning Committee
Chair, Botswana 2012-2022 International Ten Year Plan Committee 
E-Mail:; imdbotswana@gmail.coml

Olaseni Matthew Gansallo
Coordinator - Nigeria
Member, International Men’s Day Global Planning Committee

Lethukuthula Nkomo
Chair, South Africa International Men’s Day “Teach Us Peace’: Children’s Literacy Initiative
Member, International Men’s Day Global  Planning Committee

           BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA – Every day, Men and Boys – 3.6 billion souls – throughout our global village navigate a world that  bombards them with mixed signals about masculinity and their societal roles and responsibilities.    Men are brilliant, hard-working, loyal, loving, and nurturing souls.  Although they make valuable contributions to our families and our communities -- as Fathers, Husbands, neighbors,  co-workers, and positive role models--, for the most part, they are relegated to negative stereotypical roles in film, music videos, and television dramas, and situation comedies.   As a result, a set of circumstances is created which makes it difficult, if not impossible for Men and Boys to reach their full potential and empower the communities in which they live.   Allowing Men and Boys to walk among us who harbor negative images of themselves and are confused about their roles and responsibilities, creates dysfunctional family units, weakens communities, promotes economic turpitude, and fosters an  emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually toxic environment..  It is for these reasons that the Global and Regional Coordinators  in 82 nations, for International Men’s Day,  have adopted the theme of “Renewing Our Commitment To Men And Boys -- Building A Better World For Everyone.” Individuals, organizations, and institutions are being asked to embark upon a collaborative journey beginning on Monday, 19 November 2018 – International Men’s Day – to promote positive images of Men and Boys; celebrate the positive male role models  who are in our midst; and work to eradicate the plethora of negative  male stereotypes and mixed signals about masculinity and the roles and responsibilities of Men  that permeate our society.

           All souls on this planet are connected to each other and interdependent upon each other. This means that we are connected to and interdependent upon Men and Boys.  When we renew our commitment to Men and Boys, we are also renewing our commitment to ourselves.  When we build a better world for Men and Boys, we are actually building a better world for ourselves.   The mixed signals about masculinity and societal roles responsilibities that bombard and confuse Men and Boys, bombards and confuses all of us.  Remaining silent about male suicide; failing to aggressively address and eradicate circumstances and factors which create excruciating psychological, emotional, and spiritual distress for Men and Boys; and ignoring the dire need  to establish and maintain real-life options and equal access to high quality mental and physical resources and support sources for Men and Boys creates an uncertain and dangerous world  -- not only for them – but for all of us.   And that is why “Renewing Our Commitment To Men And Boys” is really “Building A Better World  For Everyone”.

         How do we begin to get the job?  A few suggestions are provided below:

Create Pathways for Emotional Freedom For Men And Boys --  The number of Men and Boys throughout our global village who end their lives by committing suicide is alarming.  Is there a connection between the manner in which Men and Boys are socialized and the suicide rate? Are Men and Boys taught to suffer in silence when they are in pain and that seeking help is “unmanly”?  

  • Rewrite the narrative on strength and masculinity by redefining strength.  Being strong is being vulnerable.  When a soul is vulnerable they are standing in front of another person spiritually, emotionally, and psychologically naked.  Only a strong person can and will allow themselves to be vulnerable,,
  • All clinics and medical facilities in all communities  should be staffed with at least one mental health professional who is sensitive to and can effectively address and resolve the unique psychological, emotional, and spiritual issues experienced by Men and Boys.  We must ensure that sufficient social services exist for Men and Boys.
  • Incarcerated Men have deeply embedded psychological, emotional, and spiritual wounds.  The design and implementation of a two-tiered mandatory psychological debriefing program for all males who have been incarcerated and their family members and loved ones for a mandatory minimum period of one (1) year would address and heal these wounds.
  • Address the role that Fatherlessness and the lack of a strong and dominant male presence during a boy’s journey from childhood to manhood plays in the spiritual, psychological, and emotional wounding of Men and Boys.
  • Let’s engage the Men and Boys in our lives in a conversation – a real conversation – about their emotional, psychological, and spiritual reaction to disappointments, rejections, and perceived failures.    Ask questions:  “How do you f eel about what happened?  Are you happy?  Are you sad?   Do you feel numb?  How can I make things better for you?   What can I do to help you through the difficult time that you are going through?”
  • Let’s recognize the symptoms of mental, emotional, and spiritual distress which take the form of behavioral changes.   These behavioral changes could take the form of insomnia, excessive moodiness, loss of appetite, change in appearance – e.g., poor grooming and hygiene, and withdrawal.  
Level the “Academic Playing Field” For Boys and Adolescent Young Men  -  Boys and young adolescent males – particularly, in marginalized communities -- are academically underperforming their female counterparts. In a number of nations which include the United States. As an example, girls outperform boys in reading and writing on standardized tests in a number of nations that include the United States.    They are more likely to be categorized by educators and school administrators as “intellectually challenged” and “behavior problems”, warehoused in Special Education classes, and diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and placed on psychotropic medications such as Ritalin, than their female counterparts.
  • School districts, administrators, educators, parents and concerned key stakeholders must set `literacy goals for boys and adolescent young male.  Every boy and adolescent young male enrolled in school should have a reading and writing level and a reading comprehension level which is at least equivalent to his grade level, if not one one grade above his current grade level..
  • Why are boys adolescent young males performing poorly in reading and writing on standardized tests?  Is it because the subject matter of the reading and writing materials do not capture the imagination of boys and adolescent young males? Do the schoool districts, educators and administrators need to develop and implement a “boy-friendly” reading and writing curriculum?  Is the development of reading and writing skills not being encouraged and monitored at home?
  • What factors are involved in the categorization by educators and school administrators of boys and adolescent young males as “intellectually challenged” and “behavior problems” at a much higher rate than their female counerparts?   How can these factors be addressed and resolved?
  • In view of the fact that definitive test for Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, let’s look closely at the behavior of boys and adolescent young males to determine if their behavior which may appear to be Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is actually something else which does not warrant Ritalin or other psychotropic medications being prescribed.   Let’s look at nonpharmacologic remedies such as yoga and transcendental meditation and diet modification – e.g., the reduction of sugar intake in the diet of boys and adolescent young males.
  • Recruit and employ more male teachers in school districts and in schools where disciplinary and “behavior problems” issues are higher among boys and adolescent young males than their female counterparts and particularly in marginalized communities.
  • Consider the role that Fatherlessness and the absence of positive male role models in communities and a strong and dominant male presence in households play in the academic underperformance of boys and adolescent young males, their propensity to be categorized as “intellectually challenged” and “behavior problem.  
          Inaugurated in Trinidad and Tobago on 19 November 1999 by Jerome Teelucksingh, Ph.D., a Gender Issues Thought Leader, humanitarian, faculty member in the History Department of the University of West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago, a prolific author and poet, International Men’s Day celebrates and honors the contributions and sacrifices of Men -- “everyday men”.  The worldwide observance shares a 48-hour partnership with Universal Children’s Day which is observed on 20th November of each year and is endorsed by the United Nations. 

       International Men’s Day is a day of observance in which we place our focus on that which unites humanity, giving everyone who wants to celebrate International Men’s Day the opportunity to help work towards our shared objectives which we apply equally to men and boys irrespective of their age, ability, social background, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity, religious belief, and relationship status.

Those objectives are:
  • To promote positive male role models; not just movie stars and sportsmen but every day, working class men who are living decent, honest lives.
  • To celebrate men’s positive contributions; to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and  to the environment.
  • To focus on men’s health and wellbeing; social, emotional, physical, and spiritual. 
  • To highlight discrimination against males in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law.
  • To improve gender relations and promote gender equality.
  • To create a safer, better world, where all people can grow and reach their full potential.
 For further information about International Men’s Day in the United States, contact the United States Coordinator for International Men’s Day, Diane A. Sears by sending an e-mail to:


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