

The Fourth Annual International Day of Prayer for Men and Boys  was observed on Sunday, 5 November 2017 and in the United States and jump started the nation’s observance of International Men’s Day on Sunday, 19 November.  2017.  In the City of Philadelphia, the fifth largest metropolitan area in the United States, the Fourth Annual International Day of Prayer was utilized as a  “Call To Action” to the City’s Interfaith Community to assist in the establishment and implementation of Transformational Centers as designed by the SCI Graterford, PA LIFERS Public Safety Initiative created by Thought Leaders at  SCI Graterford in Graterford, Pennsylvania and one of the components of OPERATION FRESH START ™, a multi-tiered initiative crafted by The Honorable James M. DeLeon which is a blueprint for eradicating recidivism and creating pathways to reintegration and redemption.  The Transformational Centers will mentor at-risk boys and young adolescent males who lack access to positive male role models and legitimate real-life options and provide them with a “hand up” and a “way out” that they seek and need -- a “hand up” and a “way out’ which will move them to reflect on their behavior, appreciate the community in which they reside, and to realize their worthiness and the potential they possess and must explore.     The observance was conducted at the Juvenile Justice Center at 48th and Haverford Streets in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Presenters at the observance included;

The Honorable Vanessa Lowery Brown, a state legislator for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s 190th Legislative District.

Mr. Carl Cooper, the Chairman of the SCI Graterford, PA LIFERS Public Safety Initiative which utilizes the Malcolm X paradigm and cognitive transformation to end the culture of crime rampant in our communities while simultaneously mentoring Our Sons – the boys and young men in our midst – and providing them with the “hand up” and the “way out”  that they desperately need and seek.

 The Honorable James M. DeLeon, a highly acclaimed veteran jurist in the Criminal Court Division of Philadelphia’s Municipal Court and the architect of OPERATION FRESH START™, a results-oriented multi-tiered Initiative which is viewed as a Global Model for eradicating recidivism and creating pathways to reintegration and redemption for formerly incarcerated Men and Women.     For the past 30 years, Judge DeLeon has presided over thousands of court cases -- carefully protecting and guarding the interests of citizens in the City of Philadelphia, the fifth largest metropolitan area in the United States.  Judge DeLeon served as Supervising Judge of the Criminal Division and is a past Chairman of the Security Committee for the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia.  He also serves under special assignment as Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia.   Judge DeLeon has practiced before the United States Court of International Trade, the United States Court of Military Appeals, United States Army Court of Military Review, and the United States Court of Appeals.

Mr. Stephen Ridley who coordinates the External Navigation Project of the SCI Graterford, PA LIFERS Public Safety Initiative which provides incarcerated individuals who are returning to their families and communities with essential tools and resources and prepares them to psychologically and emotionally transition from years and even decades of incarceration.  Mr. Ridley also facilitates behavioral training for District 1199C in his role as the organization’s Manager of Collegiate Programs and Behavioral Health Training and is an Adjunct Instructor at Drexel University where he teaches a course in Behavioral Health Training.

Pastor Anthony L. Stevenson, Sr. , the founder  of Four Corner Crusade for Life Baptist Church located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; a Double Certified Master Fatherhood Trainer and Facilitator for the National Fatherhood Initiative; Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Peoples’ Unified Resources Center; Peace Ambassador for the World Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (“WANG”); and the International Men’s Day Tri-State (Pennsylvania/New Jersey/Delaware) (USA) Regional Coordinator.

The Honorable Ronald G. Waters, a retired Pennsylvania state legislator who currently serves as the Chairman of PA FACT Program, Inc. which facilitates the successful two-tiered Fathers And Children Together Initiative (“FACT”).    FACT, which was created and is co-implemented by members of United Community Action Network (U-CAN) and the Latino American Cultural Exchange Organization (LACEO) at SCI Graterford in Graterford, Pennsylvania, is viewed as a Global Model  to eradicate intergenerational incarceration and Fatherlessness.
